Photo: Tomas Shelby
Photo: Tomas Shelby
Following our mission – connecting birds and people, we are committed to the development of efficient conservation network for the protection of birds and their habitats in Armenia.
What our organization is doing?
We popularize birds and their protection among the residents of our country and unite bird lovers in the Armenian Association of Birdwatchers
We design a system of national bird monitoring.
We develop the concept of Important Bird Areas in the republic.
We assess the conservation status of birds in Armenia.
We update the current legislation regarding the protection of birds and their use as a resource.
We support the fulfillment of Armenia’s obligations towards a number of international conventions in the part that is related to birds.
We form an information agenda for the protection of birds and their habitats in Armenia.
We develop educational and environmental programs for schoolchildren, bird defenders and birders.
We position Armenia among the international community of birdwatchers as an interesting and convenient place for birding and eco-tourism.
Much of this work is done thanks to the help and participation of our community members – bird protectors, birders, scientists and colleagues from international conservation organizations.