Photo Ilya Vartanian
What are we doing?
Dear friends, our organization is engaged in the protection of birds and their habitats. Using our knowledge, we have developed a series of excursions for children from Artsakh, where we tell them about the nature of Armenia, its birds, mammals, reptiles and fishes.
We want children, who are temporarily living outside their home and are experiencing stress, to feel like children again and be distracted from anxious thoughts for some time.
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What kind of excursions do we offer?
At current, there are four types of excursions – in three of them we tell children about fishes, birds and mammals of Armenia, in the fourth, they get acquainted with the work of Tumanyan in a playful way.
What is already done?

What is the prime cost of the excursions?

Dear friends, we want to increase the number of excursions and you, should you have that opportunity, can help us with that.
How you can help?
First, by providing us with additional free transport – a bus with a driver, for at least 20 people. Call us on 095 54 44 05 or write to us on Facebook.
Second, by making a money transfer to the social initiative “Our Children”.